Wednesday, August 03, 2005

More telling the family

Well after Robyn was done it was my turn. My grandma Stahls already had an idea of what I was planning, she was quite happy :) I was worried about telling my parents as I wasn't sure how they were going to react... That went well :) I don't know if Robyn's mad at me or not, she's slowly finding out a lot of people knew what was comming.... Her sisers had known for a while, most of my friends, heck our son even knew.

Phoned a great friend of ours Tom Newell and asked him to officiate the cerimony. HE wanted to know why I didn't just someone closer to do it. Well Tom, I don't want someone else, I want a familiar face, one I know and trust up there with us! :)

We're looking at October 8th or October 29th right now. We both like the idea of a fall/haloween theme.

Hope you all have a good day, sorry for not posting much lately!


1 comment:

Laurence Hunt said...

I am a friend of Tom Newell's, looking for his e-mail address. You may check with him first if you like! My e-mail is:

Laurence Hunt