We went to Rylan's birthday party July 8th. What a great time we had! Rylan had a blast, and sure got lots of fun gifts.
While everyone was still setting up, Rylan was sitting in Taylor's lawn chair, on and off, on and off!

Rylan sure knew what to do with the one gift of the sippy cup!!

Taylor also got a great giftbag to keep him busy during the party. What a great idea Sophia had with that. The party was at Judy and Marc's out in Grimsby, and what a yard!!! I would love to have a yard like that! It was huge!!

We ended up having to go inside for cake and icecream as the rain had decided to visit. Rylan had a great time with his own cake!

This is the cake that we got to share!

SO this week, we have been busy with our yard, and trying to get a few things done around the house. I haven't been too useful, but I keep trying.
This is what the pond looks like where it is.

And here is our Lazy Max Cat!

Well thats about it until I get more pictures taken, and get more cleaning done. I wish there was a magical fairy who would come clean! LOL... I know.. keep dreaming!
I like all the pics , wow rylan sure is getting big one already eh lol
the yard is looking good,
I hope mom doesnt bail on me and we get to come down for a vist, Ive never flown on a plane b4, lets hope elaina is good!
heehee. looks like a fun little party!
good picture taking! lovely fountain!
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