Well this is some pictures of Taylor playing with his toys. And his new hair cut. We have found that keeping his hair nice and short, we can keep a handle on this scalp problem that we are having. He sure likes all the new toys he got this year. I am going to have to start taking more pictures of him and his toys. He got a lot of new things this year. We took all his old toys and put them in the storage unit for now. It is quite a challenge living in such a small space. We all just have to remember it is only for a short time.
Wow it looks like Taylor did not want to get his hair cut!
but he dure does look cute even mad!
Oooh... that purple toy looks like lots of fun! Reminds of me a spirograph type thing... is it paint that goes inside and makes designs?
As excited as i am to have a newborn, i am soooo looking forward to the days of coloring, playdoh, crafts, gluing, flying kytes, going on adventures and such! It must be so fun to have a Taylor in your life to keep things super fun! (I know, i still have an 'idealistic' view of children... but i choose to be that way, at least for now!) Tee hee...
So as far as i know your family lives in Brampton, near to dave and sue's old place. I hope you are able to visit with them even though they have moved... it seems like you guys all help each other out alot! Friends are great!
Have a good day!
i know eh keyra... wow... hes bitchy... hehe dose he like the toy i got him?
Janie, thanks for writing. The purple thingy is just like a spirograph, it spins and plays music, and has black lites for the dark, you just add the paint!
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