Monday, November 27, 2006


Well things have been kinda slow here, well, more like we haven't taken a lot of pictures... Last weekend marked the first day that I got to fiddle with knobs on the sound board at Church On The Rock Apparently it was a little too loud (or so Robyn and Sophie say), I'm blaming the swimming from the night before for plugging my ears. I had fun anyways, got not quite so scared to actualy move things by the time the end of service came around.

Wednesday (I think) we went to Maple View mall in Burlington. Interesting mall, found a cool little hobby/game store where we picked up a copy of Carcasone and we've been playing ever since. Here's some pics.

Aside from the game we also ran across a jeweler and decided to stop in. About 20 minutes and $160 later Robyn finaly had her wedding band :) We also left them with her engagement ring so it could be repaired.

Not much else I have to say except sorry to those who may download one of the messages from the Church website, I kinda was behind on the eight ball last night and hit record a little late for Dave's message @ The Alternative.

BTW, how high do you think Taylor went after this picture?


mammasita said...


Glad to hear you guys finally have a wedding band!!

I want to chat more but I cant elaina is into the laundry basket!

Taylor looks like he is having fun!

classiquebabe said...

I love the wedding band it's really pretty. We will have to come over soon and play the new addictive game. Glad you guys posted. I can't wait for the next one... lol i'll check back in a month... he he he

Sue said...

you got game! :) hahaha. awesome, hope you all enjoy the hours of Carcassoning! :)

love from us.