Saturday, December 16, 2006


Ok, so I am really slow to post.. sorry everyone.. There has been so much happening in our house that I don't really know where to start!

We are sure enjoying our new family members. They are really getting along well with our family! They sleep as much as we do.. just opposit times!

Taylor had his two concerts last weekend, and he had a blast.
This week, he had his "girlfriend" over to do crafts and have a play date! They had a great time. Max even came out to play with Lauryn also!

And I am enjoying my daily nap with Stephanie! She is a great child to babysit!
Enjoy. And I hope I will not take so long to do the next post!

Saturday, December 09, 2006

RIP Panda

Ok, so we had this thought that Panda got into the vents....
Found... one very cooked hamster.... Sitting on the furnace......

sorry to give out sad news...


Missing in Action....
One Panda,
Missing since... well sometime after 9pm, but noticed at 11pm last night.
Escaped from his cage we are sure with some help from either one 6 yr old, or two kittens.
What do we do with a missing Panda??

Jason and I spend the better part of an hour looking for Panda. We looked high, and low, and didn't find the hamster. We are hoping and praying that he didn't fall down the air vents. He has escaped a few times before... ok, many times before, but he has always been found. This is the first time that he has been MIA for so long.
Anyone with any information to our missing Panda please call the Pet Poilice! Or just let us know, so we can send him off to Pet Heaven if needed....

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

picture of the new family members

Well Max and Finn have been welcomed into our family. And we have been welcomed into theirs.

These to kittens are so great. We are sure having a good time getting to know them, as they are getting to know us. They are still shy around us, but they are coming around.
They really like to crawl into bed with Jason and I. And they are quiet when the sleep!
They have had fun learning our house, our fish, and finding out what Panda is. They have also shown Jason and I how much they don't care for the litter box with a cover! They let us know.. by using our bed..... Ah well, the lid came off, and they are using the box now.
Max is the darker kitten, he is also smaller. He is the trouble maker of the two. Max seems to be the one who starts everything.
Finn is the vocal one. He has no problem letting us know he is with us. He sure knows how to meow!
We are having a good time with these guys, and are so happy to have two "babies" in our family.
As for Jason and I being pregnant... sorr to dissapoint you, but not to worry, in God's time it will happen!
Thanks for reading, have a great day!

Monday, December 04, 2006

family members

5 months.....


what else....

I think I will leave it at that for now....

Sunday, December 03, 2006

New Family members

Well we have 2 new family members on the way! We are all so excited about this! I think this is going to be a great experience for our family!
I will update you more as soon as I can!

Hugs to all!