We are sure enjoying our new family members. They are really getting along well with our family! They sleep as much as we do.. just opposit times!
Taylor had his two concerts last weekend, and he had a blast.
This week, he had his "girlfriend" over to do crafts and have a play date! They had a great time. Max even came out to play with Lauryn also!
And I am enjoying my daily nap with Stephanie! She is a great child to babysit!
Enjoy. And I hope I will not take so long to do the next post!
awsome robyn, I love the pics! you and baby look so cute sleeping,
wow i have quite an interesting weeekend i have to tell you, i will call you about it, Elaina comes home in the morning I miss her or so so much! she has been with tyran forever!
ps im dying my hair back to normal right now!
aaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwww. sweet as pie.
what a lot of fun and excitement you have had!
love you guys, take care. merry Christmas!! (sorry, no letters or cards out yet. heheoops)
love from sue and fam
Thank you for the Christmas time photo! It is up on our fridge! Our are late as well... we are still waiting for photos from our photo shot.
Kitties! So cute. We have two as well. SOmedays i want to kill them, most days i love them. They are very attention deprived.. still... and just have to snuggle with us all night long. I think we taught them that though. Big mistake.
Have fun this prechristmas week! Keep taking naps!
Love Janie
Taylors christmas play was so wonderful to watch, thank so much for inviting us. we had a blast.
where is a christmas update!!!
I want a pic of tic with his gifts!
I forgot to take pics... when we are all feeling better I will see what I can do.. waiting for Jason to get the computers hooked back up again..... could be a while....
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