Here are a few of our happenings the past while.

So, if this little one wasn't around, I don't know where I would be! This is Rylan, Sophie's wee one. They have been here off and on the past while. I am so happy to see Rylan grow, learn so many new things, and spit his food back at you! He has kept me going. I love his smile. It seems to always calm me down.

My trial cake. Thank you Taylor for taking the picture. Well I thought that before we have company over, and I make all this stuff for St. Paddy's day, I had best try decorating the cake and make sure I can get it out of the pan. SO.... getting it out of the pan, not such an easy thing to do. Got it out, without any major problems. We left it in the oven covered overnight. No worries right.... wrong! Here I go to ice the cake... nice white butter icing... mmmm tastes great.... however... not really covering the cake.. the cake is crumbling.. it is way to moist! It kept coming through. Oh well! It looks like confedie icing! I had a blast with the green icing. In the end, it had more then just the outside edge done. I played with a few ideas for next week. I am not letting you in on those yet. I will show you when it is done!

So, not a great picture, but better then nothing. This is Taylor's lip. He had a bit of an insident at school on Monday. He and another boy were playing in the school yard at lunch, and.. I got a call saying that Taylor needed to be picked up from school. I got there, and couldn't believe the blood. They had ice on his lip, and he looked like heck. We talked to the VP, and got a few issues figured out. I brought him home, and he hung out on the couch most of the day.
I went to look at his lip after about an hour or so, and got a bit worried. His lip looked bad, but his gums were worse. Right where his front adult tooth should be coming in, there was a nice size laseration. I got worried about that, because when it comes to adult teeth who wants to mess around with that.
Jason and I took him to the dentist Tuesday morning, and the dentist was good. He isn't worried about the laseration, as he said it should heal well on its own, and he doesn't think the adult tooth will be effected in any way.
So that is about all that has been happening here. Jason and I went to see the OB today, had a good chat with her about how we felt about a few issues, and got most of them resolved. We got to hear the heart beat! It is so amazing to hear that. Tomorrow we go to the Midwife, and are going to take Taylor with us, so that he too can hear the baby. He is so excited about all of this. I sure hope that he can be with us durring the delivery. I hope that if we have to do things in the hospital, that they will still allow him in with us.
Have a good night all, and thanks for the prayers.
hey. wow. lots going on in your home. hope T's lip heals nicely, what a bump. ug.
Can't wait to hear about your midwife, how the baby is growing and all that fun stuff! how many weeks are you now??
LOVE the cake, wish i could give some great advice on the crumbling thing, but i can never remember what i've been told to do....metal spoon?? frozen cake?? hairbrush?? just kidding. i thought it looked awesome though ! maybe just buy some green sprinkles incase the final cake doesn't turn out the way you want it too! :)
what fun. i love parties!!
from su.
Hey Robyn,
It's your second cousin, Sue....Sally's know! I'm looking for your email address cos I want to drop you a line and see how you are doing.
I think I had it before but can't find it right now.
Take care, eh...
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