Thursday, December 13, 2007

what to pack

Time feels like it is getting away on me. I am really feeling the crunch. I have so much to get done before we leave for Kenora, and I don't know where to start!!
We are having Sophie, Justin and Rylan come stay in our house while we are away, that way we don't have to worry about being gone so long and worry about the house, and our cats. I am sure that they will enjoy the time in a different environment. However, before they come, I have to get the houses clean, so that Rylan has little to get into. I know that it is going to be a hard thing to do, but I know we can get it done. I want to make sure that the livingroom is safe for him. I also want to get Isaiah's room clean, so that it is usable for more then just him sleeping! Rylan will like to be able to play and have some fun.
Then there is the packing..... what on earth do I have to bring.... We will be needing our snowsuits, winter clothing (something we have not used here yet), sweaters, baby things, Taylor things.. I really don't know what to pack! I have never traveled with someone so little before.. I am thankful to know that we have a few friends who will lend us some of the essentials! I don't have to worry about a playpen, or toys, as we will have them to borrow.. What else do I have to bring..
My mind is going crazy trying to think of all the things I want to do before we go...

Oh... and I almost forgot.. I still have to mail my Christmas cards... sorry if they are late everyone.. I am kinda slow on this one this year.. I have been running out of time, and don't know what to do about it!


Niki Devereaux said...

relax! Talking about your Christmas cards...I know you want to do them, but we won't think you stopped loving us if we don't get them. Everyone is so busy at this time of year-and you are no exception.

You know what I especially like about you though? You make sure you encourage us and love us the whole year through, not just when Hallmark says to do so. Thanks for that! Looking forward to Sunday...however, if you're swamped, let me know. okay??

Anonymous said...

Bring warm clothes it was -28C here this morning

mammasita said...

yeah but mom you forgot the windshield freakin thing it was -42 last night so its colder then you think!!!! I got a chill!!!

Anonymous said...

Like niki said, Relax!! Jason did not become a pack rat w/o some help from his genes. We still have everything including clothes and cloth diapers!can't wait to see all of you.
Love Dad