Sunday, December 04, 2005


We went to Barrie to visit Kim, Neal and the kids. Taylor didn't leave Daniels side the whole time we were there. I sure hope that I didn't set Taylor up for anything bad. I don't know how often we will be able to make it up to Barrie between now and when we move. I am sure that we can arrange some visits, but it is an hour away. I guess that isn't that long when you think about it. And the road does drive both ways. I should have taken the camera with us, but I forgot until we were driving home. Kim and Neal found a great house. They are close to everything. It is a good size for them. I sure hope they will stay there for a long time. Buying a house isn't a small step.
I will keep them in our prayers.
The drive up was very nice, looking at the town, the area, and all that goes on. The drive home was in the dark, and a very quiet drive. Taylor slept most of the way home.


Sue said...

Hey Robyn, maybe you three will be moving to Barrie?? sounds like you had a good time there. :) Hope to see you all again soon. take care. from sue

Robyn said...

That has been a thought Sue. But we have to wait and see where the Lord leads us!