Gotta love him. Even when he acts up, and wants to move out. Even when he tells you, he isn't intrested in having a mom or dad anymore, or when he says he is old enough to get a job and move out.... Is someone forgetting he is only 5!!
He sure as a handfull last night. Both Jason and I didn't know what to do with him. He was yelling, and screaming, and just acting up. We left him in his bedroom for a while, in hopes that he would calm down. It too almost 30 min before he did. And then he was still yelling " I neeeeddddddd a huG" it was so cute, how do you stay mad or upset with that. We both went into his room, and talked to him. He is just trying us, and pushing to see just how far he can get.
I hope this ends soon.....
Its always one thing or another right Robyn...
Never gives me a problem... its not him. hes definately testing your boundaries. crack the whip. dont give into his cuteness. he'll grow out of it. and honestly, it'll do him a world of good if you're firm now when it matters most.
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