I have a prayer request for all of my blogger friends.
My step-dad has had a few TIA's (aka mini strokes), in the past while. My mom and sister are finding it difficult to deal with. They are slowly finding things that are different about him. He has some paralysis, has trouble remembering things, and a few other things that are common with TIA's. I am asking for prayers for Pete, my mom Carolyn, my youngest sister Aly, and my Nanny, as they deal with the issues the keep arising.
There are many issues that have come about. Being in such a hick town, things are even harder. It is hard to find support. My mother has recently reached out to all of us for help.
I know that we can do all things thru him who strengthens us. Pete is a very determined man, and I feel that he will do everything in his will to get back to “normal”.
I am finding it very difficult right now, knowing that I am so far away, and feeling very helpless.
Please keep Pete, Carolyn, Aly, and Nanny in your prayers.
Thanks so much.
As I lean on the Lord, I know that he will lead me, and guide me on my way.