Behold, it is true! That tooth is _really_ loose. I have no idea what you're suposed to see here, to me all his teeth look fine, but he needed a picture and even took it himself! :)

Robyn, Jason, Taylor and Isaiah. We are family! The love and growth of family together. Growing together and closer to God. Share in our walk as a family.
Taylor that is so so cool! Your losing your first baby tooth and Elaina is getther her first baby tooth!!!!
I guess the tooth fairy is going to see you really soon
That is one lovely mouth! AN such clean nostrils too! I think you have a future photographer on your hands!
Happy tooth loosing! I loved those days as a kid
Taylor, grandpa wants to know if you would save him six of your teeth, so maybe he can glue them in to his gums, and get his top gums full of teeth again
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