Saturday, February 17, 2007

Long update!

Ok, I know I have been putting this off, and putting this off.. but if the porcelin and I were not such good friends I am sure this would have gotten done a bit sooner... and if Jason wasn't changing my Mac's, and a few other minor issues... lol

So here are the pics of Taylor and his new bed! He sure loves this bed. I was a bit worried when I saw how hight it was, and when Jason and I .... got upset with eachother while trying to put this darn thing together....

And now for all the fun we have been having. While everyone back in Kenora is laughing at us, for laughing at them a few months ago....

Things here are not all that bad! Taylor is very much enjoying the snow. It is nice to finally see this white stuff... now if it would just stop falling...


mammasita said...

wow you did get a lot of snow, do you feel like your a little more at home now,
I love tics bed.

vloessin said...

Hey robyn... thats a pretty cool looking bed.... i want to get tristin a bunk bed at some point here lol... yeah the snow must feel like kenora now eh lol enjoy it.... i'm glad our cold spell is pretty much done now