Friday, February 02, 2007

what a find!!@

Well, I have been looking for a new bed for Taylor for a while. I saw these great beds at Ikea that I thought would be so great! However, the price... another story!
;I found a great deal on a poster in the Barn.

Great bed right!! The go for anywhere between 200-600 at Ikea! We can't afford that, heck, for that price, there is nothing wrong with the bed he has right....

well.. we are getting one, just like this... for... ready for this...

$60!!!!!! that includes the mattress also!!

I am so happy about this!!

Also, we just got our boys back from the vet, and Finn isn't doing so great, but he will be ok in a few days.


Unknown said...

Hope it fits in his room *thumbs up*

Sue said...

love the bed!! very cool!