Isaiah is dealing with some jaundice, and not feeding so well. We are having to express breast milk, and supplement him at the same time as feeding him. This means it takes both Jason and I to feed him. Thus causing issues with Taylor. He is having a bit of a time adjusting to being a big brother, and sharing his parents. We have really noticed this during feeding times. I know this will get better as time goes on, but it is really frustrating to deal with at the moment.
So we have some pictures of things like our first bath at home!! What a great time that was. Isaiah didn't cry when we put him in the tub,we got him all wet, washed half of his body, and then the screaming began! It was great fun.

Enjoy the pictures! I will write more when my brain has had some rest.

awwwww you guys are so cute. I'm so happy for you. It's gonna be so wonderful our boys growing up together. You guys are doing such a great job. Anytime you need anything Just call me I'm allways here!!! Love you guys all 4 of you!
What a beautiful baby.
good job !:) haha.
i'm sure Tay will love his bro, and get used to not having you two to himself. it is a good (and hard) lesson to learn! :)
rest. drink tea. pray. and enjoy watching your darlings grow!
from su
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