Wednesday, December 26, 2007

long lost post

Well we made it to Winnipeg on the 18th. We stayed with my Dad that night, got to visit with Grandma Shelvey, and Michele. Dad had to work, so we didn't get much time with him, but I think we are going to go back early and stay a few with them, so we can.
My dad drove us to Prawda to meet Jason's dad on the 19th. We came to Kenora from there. It was a nice drive. The roads were good.
On the 20th, Jason the kids and I were bumming around the house kinda listening to the "police scanner", listening to the tv, trying to figure out what to do for the day. We didn't get much done, kinda just had some down time, and got Isaiah settled into the house. Around 2pm, we heard on the "scanner" that there was an accident. That kinda perked my ears, because thats just who I am. I was only kinda listening, they had closed Railway Street, due to the accident. Then they ran the plate to the truck involved. I heard my mom's name... and freaked. I knew she was going to Winnipeg to pick up the girls. I ran around to find my cell phone to phone her and ask her where she was, what she was driving and so on. We figure out it was Pete (my step-dad) who was in the accident. His truck left the road and hit a "power pole".
We were worried about David, because it was close to the time that he had to be picked up. Jason ran to pick up David from work. I sat with the boys. When Jason got back to the house, I headed up to the hospital.
I made a few phone calls along the way. Worried about what I was going to walk into when I got to the hospital. I made a call for prayers, for someone to try to get to Winnipeg to worry about my mom and girls.
I got to the hospital, they didn't want me in to see Pete right away. They wanted to talk to me before anything else. When they finally let me in to see him, it wasn't as bad as I had imagined. He was just laying there, tubes here and there, but just laying there. I sat there with him, holding his hand, talking to him, letting him know I was there with him, and we were trying to get mom back to Kenora.
Jason and a friend Andrew drove up to Winnipeg to bring everyone back. The roads were starting to get bad so they really had to take their time. It was about 9pm by the time they got back from the city. Pete's mom, two sisters, and brother in law followed not far behind. I am so thankful that I had a few friends who could come stay with me while I was sitting there.
It was a long day, but in the end, it wasn't that bad. Pete was brain dead. They figured that his brain anurizim had burst before he had hit the pole. So he was "dead" before anything happened.
Mom and I ran around the 21st, and got so much done. Looking back now, I don't know how we did it. On the 24th we had Pete's funeral. It was a very nice service.
Yesterday was Christmas. It was a very busy day. We started at Jason's parents house, opened gifts here, had some quiche, and went to my mom's to open more presents. We then came back here to get things cleaned up and get ready for Jason's mom to do dinner for everyone out here. It was so nice to have everyone all together.
I hope that I will get more posted, and some pictures up. Jason and I didn't take any pictures... we are bad..
Anyway, thanks for listening! Hugs to all

1 comment:

Sue said...

hey girl.
what a time of mixed emotions. wow. how are you all doing now that the holidays are over and you are back home? how is your family doing? how are your boys??

take care dear. thinking of you, and praying too!!!