Thursday, September 01, 2005

Pop, POP, pop

Well Taylor went outside with me today, and we picked some beets. He found some really large ones, and was soo happy with them. So after picking beets, we had to show him how to pickle them. I cleaned them up, and boiled them. Peeling them wasn't much fun, but it got done. While I was at the sink peeling them I watched two squirls on the fence. I was kind of shocked to see them work as a team, and take a pumpkin from the garden. I chased them away, and went back to peeling the beets. After I got them all cut up and ready to go, Taylor lost intrest.
We ended up with about 8 jars of beets, and there are still lots in the garden.
I hope the taste good. I have been listening to them pop and pop. I love that sound!!
Have a great day!

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