Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Church on the Rock

Well we all attened church this week at the Church on the Rock.
The topic this week was "Survivor, Jurney through the wilderness" Crossing the Jordan. This is something I have never really put much thought into before. Sunday, however.. I put a lot of thought into it, and what was being said.
Joshua 1:1-11 was the reading.
Identify with the God of the Third Day. You never know what God is going to do on the Third Day. If you want to see God's faithfulness, you'll have to take the step. (Joshua 1:10-11) Ok, so this personally didn't wake me, I can't think of things of the Third day. The only thing that now comes to mind is, going to Kingston in 1992. It was a youth conference. My friend Candy and I went to it. It was three days. And it was only the third day that I remember the most. Things that happened that day, will be with me for the rest of my life.
Identify Your Jordan River: Joshua 1:6-9 Where is God asking you to take a step in faith? What do you do when you know something is God's will but you're scared to do it? Ok..Smack! so, what is my Jordan? What is it that is holding me back, standing in my way? Me, I am my Jordan. I am standing in my own way. Some of the things I hope to overcome and deal with, so that I can offer more of me to God... Dealing with acceptance, dealing with the past (let go and let God), asking for help with my faith, believing that things will come.
Its so easy to say that you believe, to say you trust, and to say you have delt with things. Yet a totaly different thing to actually do it. I know that God shows us how to trust. And he asks us to take that Spiritual risk. Asking God into my life was easy, I did so for the first time when I was 12, then again when I was 16, 18, 21, and again now, 28. I don't know what causes me to stray, but that is one of my Jordans.
"Be strong and Courageous" so easy said. Now how do I impament that. How do I be strong, how do I do what God is asking me to do. Joshuaquestioned God's thougths on crossing the Jordan, but he still had people getting ready to cross the Jordan on the Third Day, he did this because of the promice that God made. "No one will be able to stand up against you all the days of your life. As I was with Moses, so I will be with you; I will never leave you or forsake you: Joshua 1:5.
Why is it, that even reading this today, I am still so scared to leave my life fully in God's hands. How does one let go, and just leave it all go God? Some of you are there, in the same spot I am in your faith, some of you are leaders, some of you are teachers. I know that God wants us to teach, to spread the word, but how.
The more I look at my life, the more Jordans I see. I know that God seperated the river for the Israelites could pass. So why wouldn't God help me pass my Jordans.... He will, I just have to give it to hime, and let him. This is an area that I need help. So many things that I am just not wanting to deal with. Things that I don't know how to deal with.
For those of you who are more secure in your relationship with God, please, I am now, asking for help (Big step for me).
I don't have a problem praying for those around me, for family, friends.
Thanks for listening to my rant. It has taken me since Sunday to get this all figure out, on what to say, and how to say it.


Anonymous said...

Hey Robyn, good for you!!!! Continue to surrender to His will for your life!!!! Submit to God's hand and ALL that He allows into your life in order to be made into something useful, beautiful and unique. We must be shaped by God through time. Don't think for one moment that when God sees you surrounded with problems and misery that He is not moved by your condition. He will choose to wait and act only when your ultimate good has been served and these circumstances have driven you into His loving arms. The comfort you receive from Him will soothe the memory of those terrible events. Be encouraged by what you are becoming:the expression of His beauty and a productive vessel in Him.
Hebrews 12:1-3
Carry on in His wisdom and love!!!
I am here if you need to talk or want to pray together.

God bless you


mammasita said...

I like the post. but I dont know what to tell you.

wow what a message kim left ya

Sarafina said...

Hi Robyn,
I don't know you very well, just through Su and Dave, but I want to encourage you in your walk with God...God doesn't ask us to come to Him with our lives all perfect and in order, He says that the sacrifice He wants is a contrite spirit, a broken heart over our condition of sin and needing Him. When you feel overwhelmed by the distance you feel from Him, just know that all He requires of you is to search your heart, come to Him in repentance, and grow in your love relationship with Him, and as you do He'll do whatever work is necessary in your life. He'll do it in His time if you're willing. The other thing I wanted to say is that just by spending time reading and thinking about the Bible, and praying, God renews our minds and changes our lives...as you grow your foundation down in the Truth, you will know Him more and see more fruit in your life. Good for you for recognizing your hunger for more of God! Keep going (0:

Sue said...

ditto. what my big sis said. :)

Robyn, i am so proud of you for this post. it is hard to really know what is going on in my head until i write it out and try to explain it, so i hope this post really helped you understand where you are, and moreso, where you WANT TO BE with God. :)

I am reminded of some of the "great people" of the faith: Moses, Abraham,
jacob, etc....and i remember always thinking "wow, what great men of faith, how did they live such blameless lives? they didn't even have Jesus on the Cross to look back on like we do. how did they let God use them so powerfully??"

it wasn't until i actually learned the real stories, from the bible and good teachers, that i realized...these men were terrible (at times)!!!

Abraham: pimped out his wife TWICE and brought pain and sickness on those who took her as their wife!!

Moses: killed a man in his anger, and then ran away from his people and his task for 40 years!!!! FORTY YEARS.

Jacob: stole from his brother ALL HE WAS TO INHERIT, was a con man all his life, a liar, a cheat, a scoundrel who couldn't trust anyone...not even his brother after he very obviously forgave all the past sins against him.

AND YET: all of these men are priviledged in that "God is the God of Abraham" "GOd is the God of Jacob" etc, and GOd promised so much to these men, protected them, prospered them, and USED THEM.

it was a good reminder to ME that WOW i don't have to have it all together, i don't have to know the next step, i don't have to beat myself up about making the wrong choices....God just wants (as sarah said) a broken heart about my sin, and a willingness to ask GOd to forgive me and change me.

so so so cool eh??? (SORRY THIS IS SO LONG)

well, hope you have a great time pondering all these wonderful things....the bible is so full of treasures.

love you girl, take care. from sue.

Robyn said...

Kim, Sarah, Sue, Thanks so much for your great words of wisdom. I have been really searching my heart, and reading my bible.
i could really use some advice on how to remember to read daily, to say Grace, to Thank God for everything.

Sue said...

yeah, i could use that too...maybe if we keep each other accountable by writing on our blogs what we read that day, or something we learned from the bible that day...or every other day, or something....

ah, i don't know. i have trouble remembering GOd time too.

hope we can learn together.

from sue