Ok, so I will start off to tell you, that... Never have I felt like this when I have been pregnant in the past....
I have descovered the 4am nightly for the past month... I know I don't sleep well iln the first place.. but I mean.. come on.. do I really need to be up from 4-5am??
Ok, I understand that maybe my body is getting ready for the baby, and the times that the baby will be up during the night, but for an hour at a time? Do we really think a baby would be up that long at night? Was I that sleepy 6 yrs ago, and forget already? I don't mind the waking up, looking at the clock.... and telling myself, that I need my rest, to go back to sleep... that I am sure we can all deal with!
However... last night was a totally different story...
now for the 18+ and nobody with a weak tummy.
So 4am rolls around, Robyn wakes, lays in bed knowing it is 4am, and needs more sleep... when.. the tummy starts to roll... and roll.... and roll...
This being a normal part of pregnancy, I wait for it to pass, as it normally does after about 10 min or so. SO I wait... and wait.. and wait... then... all of a sudden... I have to pee.... like most pregnant women, it comes out of the blue, and if we don't hurry up and get there.. we might just be sitting in a mess.
So, I try to get out of bed, carefull not to wake Jason as he has to be up in just a few hours for work.... I rush to the bathroom, and have my pee... no big deal right.. except the tummy is still rolling.. and rolling...
So, lets just stay where we are.. the bathroom seems like the right place to be if one is going to get sick. Well, for those who have been in our house, you know how far away the tub and the toilet are.. and I am one of those people who need to be sitting on the toilet while I get sick.. or.. well.. you figure that out...
So, I get up, grab the garbage can, empty it into a grocery bag, and take it back to the bathroom with me. I sit back down, and try to relax, try to breath, try to enjoy the nice cold feeling of the tile wall.
Ya right.... next thing I know.. I am vomiting. I wake Jason (not on purpose), scare the cat half to death, and scare myself, as nothing is coming up.
I took a gravel before bed because I felt bad then, so I kept telling myself that I wouldn't vomit, because I took the pill. Jason.. the great man he is.. says.. "It doesn't last all night you know" Like I didn't know that.. I just had to fool myself into thinking I would be ok...
So 20 minitues later.. I am feeling better.. had a drink of my flat ginger ale, and clean up... back to bed I go..
No worries right.. the tummy is feeling better.. the head hurts from being ill, but that will go away... off to sleep I go...
Until my alarm goes off at 8am, telling me its time to get Aly and Taylor off to school... And the tummy starts again. When does it stop... I don't know.. I have not vomited this morning, but sure feel like it..
Everyone says by the second trimester that things settle down. I can only hope and pray for that. I don't think I could handle what Sophia went through. 9 mts of being sick.... no thanks.
Sorry to gross some of you out, but I had to vent, and get this all out.. lol
I know it will go away, it will just take time. I just have to be careful what I eat, and when.
Thanks for reading!