So, how do the chores work in your family?
I have to admit, things are not going so good here. It sure isn't easy.
Since I am at home, I don't mind doing the washing/drying the laundry, folding it, but I leave it for everyone else to put away. I don't mind making supper, or other meals. However, I fee, that the person to cook, shouldn't be the one to do all the cleaning of the meal either. Maybe I am wrong, and I should just get use to doing all the house work, but I thought we could all share this. I did a lot of house work growing up, and when I was on my own, I also did the cleaning. When you are alone, you are the only one who can do the cleaning.
I think I am going to write out a chore chart for everyone, and see how that works. I think it will be ok, but who knows how that will work. I figure that will work out the best, and we can take it from there. I guess this is all a day by day event.
Sorry it has been so long since I have done an update, but I will try and get this done more now that I have my house some what back to normal....
Thanks in advance for your suggestions!