Nanny and David were here for a week, and I didn't tak a single picture! However, my sister was smart enought to take this one of Tic and David.

Yesterday Sophie and I spent the day together. It was nice to get out of the house, and do something. She came back to our house for dinner, and her and I ran away for 1 hour with out any children! We left Rylan with Jason and Aly. Everything should be cool right? NOT! LOL.. Jason.. you sure you still want more children?? I hear it was a wee bit stressful with a screaming baby for the full hour!
This is what Sophie bought while we were out!

Then today, I thought I might as well get in gear and get this costume done for next saturday! I just started today! I don't know what I am doing! I don't understand the pattern.. but I am sure that I will get it done.. maybe..

looks good. have fun with it!
so good to see pics and hear from you again!! Did i ever tell you that we got your beautiful card in the mail?? and the pics?? THANK YOU THANK YOU!!
hey R, :)
(this is a reply to the comment on my site:)yeah, we put a rush on the Christmas season b/c the both of us love it sooooo much. the acoustic music we have, the fun crafts i can do with julia, the snow falling, the seasonal decorations, and all our memories from is a wonderful, cozy, "wrap up in a blanket with tea and a book" - kind of season! :) wanna visit?? you could use the break.
Dave and his gang brought home two moose. a slow year. usually it is four. :) but a good year anyway. they had snow the WHOLE time, which i guess doesn't happen much.
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