Ok, so I am a few days late, but better late then never!
Taylor and Aly started school on Tuesday. Taylor has been very happy with his new school, and the freinds he has been making. His school is very large, but he is in a smaller class. There are only 18 students in his class, compaired to the 28 in the other grade 1 classes. I am hoping that he will continue to enjoy school. I have been sending him some little notes in his lunch box. He is going to be staying at school every day but tuesdays. This scared me at first, but I think I am ok with it now. I know that I have to let him out of our little "shell" and let him try the "big world" on for size. I have always sheltered him from nuts, and nut products, but in a school with 800 students... I can't always be there.. yes.. I could always bring him home for lunch, but I didn't think that was fair either. He has always wanted to stay at school for lunch, so he might as well while he can.
On a different note, we are heading out to Forest Clift Camp, with our church for the weekend. Since we will be out in the Sarnia area, we will stop by on Sunday to visit with the Naus family! I am very much looking forward to the weekend. I know that we need the weekend away, and I am sure that we will all learn lots.
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