Sunday, November 13, 2005

Ok so I can't think of a title for this. We move a few things yesterday, and hope to move more today. Not sure what we are gonig to get accomplished as we are not moving any of the big stuff until at least thursday, as that is when our phone will be moved over. I think this is crazy.
We found out that the house we are moving into isn't just a upper and lower, there are 3 apartments in it. I have to keep in mind that this is only for a short time. 6 months isn't that long.
Taylor asked me today if we could stay in the new house tonight, but without any of our large things there, it is kind of hard to stay, and without our phone it is even harder. So he is just going to have to wait a few more days. I hope that we can get things done by then.
Have a good day.

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