Thursday, September 14, 2006


Well take some advil for the headache, try some Tylenol Cough for the sore throat, and rest... right.. Ya right... not when you have kids!
So, I wake up today with such a headache, so bad that I feel I could puke. What can I do about it.. not much. Take some Advil, rub some Lavender, and continue on with the day. Nobody is up yet, but I can see it now......
.... Mom I need this... Mom can I do this.... Mom.... Mom.... Mom.....
and so on...
I love my son so very much. However on days when you just don't feel so great... It would be nice to change your name.... or at least be able to hide.

He is our blessing, and there is a reason... I have to keep telling myself this~~

I would hug you all, but I don't want to pass this around... Going to find more coffee, and something to help the sore throat... the eucalyptus isn't helping....


mammasita said...

oooo I hope you dont get this flu thats going around. The good thing about it is it only last two days. I understand what you mean elaina isnt saying mom yet its still da da da da but when I got that flu I could not even pick her up!
Take care hope you get better soon!!

Anonymous said...

how many times did i tell you guys that????? "mom's gone for the day"

Its awful when you are sick trying to look after little ones....(big ones sometimes too) I hope everyone is feeling better really you all