Tuesday, July 19, 2005


I can't think of a title, sorry.... What's new? I ordered two new DVD drives for mine and Nate's Xbox's, should have those installed by the end of the week. I've been playing around trying to setup a VPN between my place and my parents, so far getting FreeS/WAN or it's derifatives to compile on the 2.6 kernel is being a pain. I've done some work to the Xserve at work, hopefully should have most things running properly on it soon, man is it a pain to have to wait for Sean to log me in as root tho everyday.

On the non-geek side, me and Robyn got to go out on a date the other night, what an awsome time we had. Didn't go all over, movies and dancing and stuff, just went out for dinner and had a great meal. Talked about everything, and I just generaly had a wonderful time. Speaking of Robyn, could you be more blunt dear? :) "So when are you going to hurry up and ask me to marry you?" I told her she could always ask me.... :)

Just replaced the final transistor in the radio clubs main VHF repeater TX. RF probe showed a drop across the transistor, and we've had an antenna problem, so the logical choice was to change it. We'll see at break if I actualy fixed it :)

1 comment:

classiquebabe said...

Jay, I can only ever understand the odd word in your post's they're so computer geekish. I love that I can count on you for always baffling me. lol ... I hope Robyn pops the big question soon : )