Sunday, July 30, 2006

Another Ghost Walk

Well we took Aly to Ancaster. We did the Hermitage Ruins. It was a long walk out side. We had the same guide as when we did the Customs House. Ghost Guide George. George is so great, he is so into his role. For those of you who know my Ex-Husband, take a look at Ghose Guide James while your on the site... Tell me that doesn't look like Edward! LOL.
We found this walk to be very intresting. However, we also found it hard to "feel" any presents or anything as we were in a very large group, and had the joys of a Camera Man in our group. Everytime you thought you might feel something "FLASH" on would go his camera light.
I hope that Jason and I can do the other two walks ourselves, and maybe do the Custom's Ball, near Halloween.
Well not much else to Report for today..maybe after Church I will have something more to say!


Anonymous said...

I so want to be there to go with you on your ghost know me...i LOVE ghosts....Did Aly remember watching about the walk you took on TV? Its been on Creepy Canada quite a few times......It would be nice to go with just a few (maybe 4-5) people in the group.....

mammasita said...

its sounds so interesting!
Anyways I played around with my blog and look I learned how to put the links on my blog Thanks to Dave adn then I figured out how to put the lilypie all by myself lol. I want to find or make a template thought.