Sunday, July 23, 2006

Getting spooked

Well last night, Jason and I went on one of Haunted Hamilton's Ghost walks.
It was great to get out there, and learn about the history of the Customs House, and what it has been since. To hear about the things that have happend in that building, to see the building itself, and to hear the stories about things.
It is hard to belive some of the things that were said, but so many people have "died" in that house, or in the tunnel between the house and the other side of the road (under the train tracks).
I found it very intresting, and because yes, I do believe in Ghosts, I was hoping to have an encounter with one, but I didn't... I don't think. I could feel a presence, but didn't see the "Black Lady", or the "Lil Boy", or anyone other then our group of 30.
Our tour was called from Light to Dark, Light to dark. It was just that, from a nicley light area, to a wee bit dark area. Our Guide George, had his red lantern, to keep us going. All of the guides are acters, and you can sure tell. The two that we met last night, are very good at their job. One of witch looked much like my ex-husband. That was the most spooky part of our tour!! LOL
We hope to do a few more of the walks, if not for the Ghostly experience, but for the history of the area. The next one on our list would have to be the Hermitage Ruins found in Ancaster. This one has a lot of history about it, and I think it would be nice to learn it in this way.

Sorry I didn't take the camera because I didn't think we would be allowed to take pictures, but I did add the links so you can see what some of the things are that we saw, and are intrested in. Surf the Haunted Hamilton site, to see what they have found. You can also see them on TV, on Creapy Canada! They have many shows on there, with the many places in Southern Ontario that they feel have the "local hauntings"

Enjoy! We did!


mammasita said...

hey robyn, I know you were talking about doing this a few months back.. It sounds really interesting. If/When Elaina and I come for a vist I sure do want to go and check this out! Its sounds so spooky. But really interesting at the same time!

I wish I knew how to find things to do here in Winnipeg, That just might help Andrew and I. Even thought I think its just a need to be left alone. Have my own place kind of problem Im having.
Anyways I will talk to you about it after. People dont need to know about my problems. Although its nice to talk to someone....

love you

Anonymous said...

hey that sounds like a lot of fun. ever since you started to say you were moving to hamilton i have been thinking about all the stories of the area i have seen on creepy canada and want to visit. Some day you are going to have to take me....if i ever get to visit.....i'm glad you had a good time