Water, water and more water... It has been storming here off and on all day, and when I took the first step off the stairs, I steped into.. sloosh...
We are not sure where the water has come from, but we think it was a back up of rain water. That would explain the dirt in the hot tub.

Earlier today, I had to run outside in the rain to worry about our pond, and the fishies. Taylor didn't want them to drown (they live in water right??) So, off I went to make sure the pond didn't over flow anymore, but didn't get their faste enough, but I also don't think we lost any fish...

I will write more, and put more pics up when I calm down, and can breath again.. I am very upset with this, and don't know what to do about things. I have started to question things I shouldn't question...
looks like the pond is alright.
that sucks about the basement!!
you will work it all out
Don't think of it as a flooded basement, think of it as a really BIG wading pool. he he he
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