Those of you with small children.... get use to it!!!

OK, so Taylor and I were goofying around today, and his knee his is mouth.. and his loose teeth, started to bleed... then Jason got home...We goofed around some more, his knee his his mouth a few more times... and caused a bit more blood....
and.. well...
The kleenex came out.. and so did tooth #1....

Taylor made his phone calls... told some people.. then while I was talking to my mother-in-law, he pulled the second one out! You should hear him now... I don't know where he thinks the tooth fairy's money tree is, but I think I need some help finding it!

here is ur bloddy post! hehe... wow.. good job tay... i hope the tooth fairy there happy Robyn!
wow!!! thats SOSO cool!!!!!!!!!
I didnt know that both were lose. I guess the tooth fairy can give them to elaina now eh?
Taylor can you take a pic of yourself with a big smile showing your teeth now???? please!!!
awesome!! what did you get for that one Tay????
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