We found the Duch Mill, it is a nice little shop, with all sorts of goodies... We found a little pond with LARGE coy and these duckies.

Then we found the "Devil's Punch Bowl", not really sure how or why it got its name, but we thought it was different. Taylor and Jason found the cherry trees and enjoyed trying to find the good ones!

The cherries were really good, when they got the right ones. Some of them were rather tart.
We also go ourselves some strawberries from the Punch Bowls market ( a very small barn turned into a store), and we made jam's yesterday evening. Even tried a new one, Strawberry Bananna. I hope it tastes ok! Out of jars, so no more jamming for a while!
ooo looks like you had fun!
Being a tourist is so fun eh... I can't wait till i'm back to my regular "able to bend and walk" self then we will play tourist.. and show off our baby :)
Hope you guys had lots of fun!!!
it looks like you had a wonderful time....i wish i could be there
love yu lots & lots
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