We have gotten some answers, but here's to the rest of you, if you can name it great.. please let me know... and also let me know if I should pull or leave!!

Robyn, Jason, Taylor and Isaiah. We are family! The love and growth of family together. Growing together and closer to God. Share in our walk as a family.
hahahhaaa I dont know!
me, I haven't a clue, but i'll get nanny & aunt sal to come loook at them.....
I say if you like it and it looks good then leave it. If you think it is ugly or will be too much work to contain take it away! I am a lover of weeds as well as flowers. I can't get enough dandelions, but most people hate the things! I understand why, but i still think they are pretty. You have some lovely, tropical looking plants in your garden!
Love the jet tub by the way.
Looks like you got alot of unpacking done, and that is great! Take care
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