Monday, August 08, 2005


what a day, and it has only just begun. It is hot already today. I would love to see some rain!
We have been having a problem with squirls in our yard. They seem to like my veggies, and we are not getting many for us. I am not sure how to keep them out of the garden, but I would love some advice on that if anyone has any. We have had some beans, and some peas, but our cucombers and zuchini are being eatin by the crazy squirls!
Excuse the bad spelling, but that is just me~
Well I will try and write more later today.

1 comment:

Sue said...

poor garden! :( same thing is happening here, Vinny isn't getting many eggplants or beans. sad sad. I wonder what you do to rid the yard of squirls...periodically shoot them? scare them with random gunfire? hmm. i suppose that isn't allowed in the city.

time to move! :) haha.
ah, do you feel it in your bones??? i do, i'm excited to leavve the city behind...three cheers for wide open spaces, quieter streets, and the smell of pine needles. mmmmm.

take care Robyn have a great day!! thanks for coming by last night, so lovely to hear your plans for Oct.

from sue